About Us

The goal of OTCA is to foster a cooperative and communicative environment to preserve and protect the existing trail systems and open spaces.  The mission of OTCA is to promote unrestricted use of community trails for Meadow Vista and the surrounding community. 

What we do

The group meets regularly and takes appropriate steps to create awareness of trails that may be in danger of being restricted or closed.  For trails that have been restricted or closed, the group takes actions to re-open those trails.  Some of these steps may be...
  • Meeting with property owners.
  • Garnering community support for opening these trails.
  • Coordinating with local government, community groups, and utilities.


Beginning in the fall of 2020, a few concerned citizens started meeting to discuss recent restrictions that had been placed on trails in the area.  Most members of the OTCA were concerned with the trail along the Bear River Canal between Placer Hills Road and Meadow Gate Road.  Two sets of gates had been recently installed by the property owners: one set near Placer Hills Road and one set about halfway between Placer Hills and Meadow Gate Roads. 

The group started meeting every two weeks gathering information, discussing the present situation and strategizing how to remove the restrictions. Meetings were held with landowners, a website and Facebook page were started, county officials were contacted and meetings were held.