September 2021 Update

Over the past few months, the Open Trails Community Alliance has been in contact with the owners of the major parcel near Placer Hills Road. The property owners have been very accommodating, working with us to find a way to restore community access in a way that respects their use and future dreams for this special property.
We've been coordinating resources with Placer County and believe that a trail reopening should be possible sometime in late 2021 or early 2022.

Working with Property Owners

This process has been long and difficult for both the property owners and trail users. After taking possession of the property, the current owners faced intense criticism, vandalism, and theft.  These negative experiences have been a continued threat to building the trust necessary for the owners to voluntarily reopen the trail. Likewise, we know the local trail community has been angered and discouraged by having this important connector trail closed. Over 70 years of documented community use means that this trail has woven its way into many lives in our community, providing needed opportunities for recreation and exercise to all Meadow Vistans throughout the years.
We are extremely fortunate that the owners are long-time Meadow Vista residents and have a deep dedication to this community. Their desire to give back to Meadow Vista was the foundation for conversation and mutual respect. We hope this collaboration can show the power of dialogue in maintaining community access to trails while respecting the needs of property owners.
If you want to support the reopening of these trails, donate now!